Oat Milk Vs Almond Milk: What’s the Difference

Oat Milk Vs Almond Milk

In recent years, plant-based milk has become increasingly popular due to its perceived health benefits, environmental sustainability, and ethical considerations. With so many options available, it can be challenging to decide which non-dairy milk is best for you. Two of the most popular plant-based milk choices are oat milk and almond milk. In this article, we will compare the nutritional value, health benefits, taste, and texture of oat milk vs almond milk to help you determine which milk is the best choice for you.

Oat Milk And Almond Milk

choice between oat milk and almond milk

Oat milk is a plant-based milk made from oats and water.

Almond milk is a plant-based milk alternative made from ground almonds and water. It has a creamy texture and a slightly nutty taste. 

They are popular among people who cannot or choose not to consume dairy milk.

Nutritional Comparison

When it comes to nutritional value, there are some key differences between oat milk and almond milk. One cup of unsweetened oat milk contains approximately 120 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, and 3 grams of protein. On the other hand, one cup of unsweetened almond milk contains about 30 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, and 1 gram of protein. Oat milk also contains more carbohydrates, fiber, and sugar than almond milk.

While oat milk has a higher calorie count, it also offers more nutritional value than almond milk. Oats are a good source of vitamins B and E, as well as minerals like calcium, iron, and potassium.

Almond milk is naturally low in calories and fat, but it does not offer as many nutrients as oat milk. However, many brands of almond milk are fortified with vitamins and minerals to help make up for this deficiency.

If you’re looking to lose weight, almond milk may be a better choice due to its lower calorie count. However, if you’re looking for a milk alternative that provides more nutritional value, oat milk is the clear winner.

Health Considerations

Choosing Between Oat Milk and Almond Milk

Both oat milk and almond milk offer some health benefits. Oat milk is high in fiber, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve digestive health. It also contains beta-glucans, a type of soluble fiber that has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, oat milk is naturally lactose-free, making it a good choice for people with lactose intolerance.

Almond milk is low in calories and fat, making it a good option for weight management. It is also a good source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that can help protect against cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. However, almond milk is not a good source of calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth. Many brands of almond milk are fortified with calcium, but it’s important to check the label to make sure you’re getting enough.

Overall, both oat milk and almond milk have their health benefits, but oat milk is considered the healthiest to drink overall due to its high nutritional value and fiber content. If you’re looking to improve your gut health and avoid bloating, oat milk may be a better choice than almond milk.

Taste and Texture

Comparing the Nutritional Value of Oat Milk and Almond Milk

When it comes to taste and texture, oat milk and almond milk have distinct differences. Oat milk has a creamy texture and a slightly sweet, nutty flavor. It’s often described as having a similar taste to cow’s milk, which makes it a good choice for people who are transitioning to a plant-based diet. Oat milk also has a thicker consistency than almond milk, which makes it a good choice for baking and cooking.

In contrast, the consistency of almond milk is thinner and it has a subtle nutty taste. It’s a good choice for people who prefer a lighter, less sweet milk alternative. Almond milk is also a popular choice for lattes and coffee because it doesn’t overpower the taste of the coffee.

If you’re looking for the creamiest non-dairy milk, oat milk is the clear winner. However, if you prefer a lighter, nuttier taste, almond milk may be a better choice.

Pros and Cons

Oat milk and almond milk each have their advantages and disadvantages. Oat milk is a good choice for people who are looking for a more nutritious milk alternative that is high in fiber and other essential nutrients. It’s also naturally lactose-free, making it a good choice for people with lactose intolerance. However, oat milk is higher in calories and carbohydrates than almond milk, which may make it less suitable for people who are watching their calorie intake.

Almond milk, on the other hand, is a good choice for people who are looking for a low-calorie, low-fat milk alternative. It’s also a good source of vitamin E, which has been shown to have numerous health benefits. However, almond milk is not a good source of calcium, which is essential for bone health. In addition, some vegans choose not to drink almond milk because of its environmental impact. Almond trees require a lot of water to grow, and some almond farms use unsustainable farming practices.

Exploring the Differences between Oat Milk and Almond Milk
Oat MilkAlmond Milk
ProsHigh in fiber and essential nutrients, lactose-freeLow in calories and fat, high in vitamin E
ConsHigher in calories and carbohydratesNot a good source of calcium, some environmental concerns for vegans
Oat Milk Vs Almond Milk: Pros and Cons


So, which milk is better for you: oat milk or almond milk? The answer depends on your individual preferences and health considerations. If you’re looking for a milk alternative that is high in fiber and other essential nutrients, oat milk is the clear winner. However, if you’re looking for a low-calorie, low-fat milk alternative, almond milk may be a better choice.

Ultimately, the best choice is the one that you enjoy and fits your dietary needs. Oat milk and almond milk are nutritious alternatives to cow’s milk, each providing distinct nutritional advantages. When choosing between the two, consider your individual tastes, health goals, and ethical concerns to find the milk alternative that works best for you.


Is oat milk the healthiest milk?

It depends on individual nutritional needs and preferences. Oat milk is a healthy alternative to dairy milk and offers several health benefits.
Oat Milk versus Almond Milk

Is oat milk or almond milk easier on stomach?

Oat milk is typically considered to be gentler on the stomach than almond milk, which may be more difficult to digest for some individuals.

Does oat milk make you gassy?

Oat milk is unlikely to cause gas unless a person has a specific sensitivity or intolerance to oats or oat products.

Is almond or oat milk better for coffee?

Both almond and oat milk can be suitable for coffee, but the choice depends on personal preference and the desired taste and texture.

Is Oatmilk good for your teeth?

Oat milk is generally considered to be good for dental health since it is often fortified with calcium and vitamin D, which are essential for strong teeth and bones.

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