Condensed Milk vs Evaporated Milk: A Comprehensive Comparison

Condensed Milk vs Evaporated Milk


In the world of baking and cooking, there are many ingredients and tools that can be confusing to novice home cooks. One of the topics of debate is the difference between condensed milk and evaporated milk. While these two types of milk may look the same and may even taste similar, there are key differences between the two. Understanding the difference between condensed milk and evaporated milk can help you make better cooking and baking decisions in the kitchen.

What is Condensed Milk?

Condensed milk, also known as sweetened condensed milk, is a product created by combining milk and sugar in a can. The resulting product is a thick, creamy and sweet liquid that is a cross between a syrup and a paste. Condensed milk is a popular ingredient for many desserts, pies, cakes, and other sweet dishes. The sugar in the condensed milk helps to add sweetness and texture to recipes, while the milk adds richness and a creamy consistency.

What is Evaporated Milk?

Evaporated milk is a product that is created by taking milk and removing about 60 percent of the water content. By removing the water, the milk becomes thicker and more concentrated. The result is a product that is thicker and creamier than regular milk. Evaporated milk is commonly used in recipes that call for cream, as the higher fat content and thickness of the milk helps to add richness and a smooth texture to recipes.

How Do They Differ?

The most obvious difference between condensed milk and evaporated milk is the sugar content. Condensed milk is much sweeter than evaporated milk due to the addition of sugar. This makes condensed milk a great choice for desserts and other sweet recipes, while evaporated milk is better suited to savory dishes. Another key difference between the two milks is the fat content. Condensed milk has a higher fat content than evaporated milk, making it richer and creamier.

Condensed Milk Uses

Due to the sweetness and creamy texture of condensed milk, it is a popular ingredient in many baked goods, such as pies, tarts, cakes, and cookies. It is also commonly used in sauces, custards, and other desserts. Condensed milk is often used to make caramel, as the sugar content helps to create a sweet and thick sauce. It can also be used to make ice cream, as the sweetness helps to enhance the flavor of the ice cream.

Evaporated Milk Uses

Because of its thicker consistency and lower sugar content, evaporated milk is ideal for savory dishes. It is commonly used in soups, sauces, and stews to help thicken them up and add a creamy richness. It is also used to make creamy macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and creamy casseroles. Evaporated milk is also a great addition to coffee and tea for a creamy, rich flavor.

Health Benefits of Condensed and Evaporated Milk

Both condensed and evaporated milk are made with real dairy milk, which means that they are a good source of calcium, protein, and other essential vitamins and minerals. However, because condensed milk is made with added sugar, it is higher in calories and carbohydrates than evaporated milk. If you are looking to add a creamy texture and richness to a dish without adding extra sugar, evaporated milk is a better choice.


If you are looking for a substitute for condensed or evaporated milk, there are a few options that can work. You can use cream in place of evaporated milk in most recipes, as the thick texture and higher fat content will help to create a similar result. Heavy cream and half-and-half are both good substitutes for evaporated milk. For condensed milk, you can use a combination of milk and sugar, or you can use honey or maple syrup in place of the sugar.

Condensed Milk vs Evaporated Milk: The Verdict

When it comes to choosing between condensed and evaporated milk, it really depends on the type of dish that you are making. If you are making a sweet dish, then you should use condensed milk as the added sugar will help to enhance the flavor of the dish. If you are making a savory dish, then you should use evaporated milk as the lower sugar content and higher fat content will help to create a rich and creamy texture.

Overall, condensed milk and evaporated milk are both great ingredients to have in your kitchen. Knowing the difference between the two and when to use them will help you make better cooking and baking decisions. Understanding the key differences between condensed milk and evaporated milk can help you create delicious meals in no time.

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